The Department of Applied Mathematics & Humanities has got its present status since the establishment of the College in 1999. It plays a unique and distinctive role in an institute where the ethos of science and technology prevails. It is believed that engineering and science are, by their very nature, humanistic and socially derived enterprises.
It has always believed in striving for excellence in research and teaching and has succeeded in this endeavor to a large extent. Its main aim is to lay basic profound foundations to Engineering education by inculcating the principles of Applied Physics, Mathematical Applications & Methods, basic Communication Skills of English and Management that help the technical students to comprehend the core Engineering subjects and enabling them to obtain scintillating careers in their respective disciplines. The Department has highly qualified Faculty members. The entire teaching faculty members are actively engaged in research in their respective fields and research papers are being published in the various Journals of repute. The Department of Applied Mathematics & Humanities has got its present status since the establishment of the College in 1999. It plays a unique and distinctive role in an institute where the ethos of science and technology prevails. It is believed that engineering and science are, by their very nature, humanistic and socially derived enterprises.
It is underlying fact that Mathematics is the language of engineering. It caters to all disciplines of engineering. It is essential to understand how mathematics works in order to master the complex relationships present in modern engineering systems and products. Mathematics provides clarity and precision to vague and intuitive ideas. Modeling of physical processes can also be done using mathematics. In the undergraduate courses, mostly post calculus topics are covered viz., Differential equations, Multiple integrals, Fourier series, Fourier transforms, Laplace transforms, Vector calculus, Numerical methods etc. The Department offers course on Communication Skills in English and Business Management. There is no gainsaying the fact that the students of engineering need to have command on English language and thereby to improve their communication skills in order to survive in the globalized competitive scenario. They are called upon to interact with people of different regions, languages and nationalities. A sound knowledge of the practice in communication skills in English will go a long way in helping them to face toughest global competition in the field.To facilitate self-learning of students for Communication Skills, the Department makes use of the Language laboratory, well equipped with 36 computers and thereby the students can get intensive practice in basic communication skills such as Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.
The Department offers Physics. Physics and Technology are very much related. Physics deals with understanding of the natural world, while technology aims to apply this understanding into the man-made world. Technology might even be considered as the offspring of Physics. Physics is the discipline devoted to creating and optimizing engineering solutions through enhanced understanding and integrated application of mathematical, scientific, statistical, and engineering principles. The discipline is also meant for cross-functionality and bridges the gap between theoretical science and practical engineering with emphasis in research and development, design, and analysis.