Sankalchand Patel College of Engineering

Computer Aided Design (Room No. BG-7)

The CAD Laboratory of this department is equipped with Twenty Five State of art computer workstations exclusively for the Under Graduate Students. All Systems are connected to Gigabit Ethernet for both internal and external communications. The Modeling and Analysis softwares like AutoCAD, ANSYS, Pro/Engineer and CFD Expert are installed in these workstations.
The Workstations consist of following specification:

Core I3 – 7th Generation (7100)
Window 10 Pro 64 Bit
4 GB DDR – 4 RAM
1 TB (7200) HARD DISK
19.5” LED
2GB Dedicated Graphics Card NVIDIA ® GT 710

Computer Aided Design (Room No. BG-7)

The CAD Laboratory of this department is equipped with Twenty Five State of art computer workstations exclusively for the Under Graduate Students.  All Systems are connected to Gigabit Ethernet for both internal and external communications. The Modeling and Analysis softwares like AutoCAD, ANSYS, Pro/Engineer and CFD Expert are installed in these workstations.

The Workstations consist of following specification:

Core I3 – 7th Generation (7100)
Window 10 Pro 64 Bit
4 GB DDR – 4 RAM
1 TB (7200) HARD DISK
19.5” LED
2GB Dedicated Graphics Card NVIDIA ® GT 710

Kinematics of Machines & Dynamics of Machines (Room No. BG-8)

The CAD Laboratory of this department is equipped with Twenty Five State of art computer workstations exclusively for the Under Graduate Students. All Systems are connected to Gigabit Ethernet for both internal and external communications. The Modeling and Analysis softwares like AutoCAD, ANSYS, Pro/Engineer and CFD Expert are installed in these workstations.
The Workstations consist of following specification:

Core I3 – 7th Generation (7100)
Window 10 Pro 64 Bit
4 GB DDR – 4 RAM
1 TB (7200) HARD DISK
19.5” LED
2GB Dedicated Graphics Card NVIDIA ® GT 710

Thermal Engineering (Room No. BG-3B)
The Thermal Laboratory is fully equipped with various equipment’s which provide the practical verification of basic principles of thermodynamics and thermal engineering such as…
  • Demonstration of various parts of engine.
  • Demonstration of various systems of engine.
  • Demonstration of multistage reciprocating air compressor and explain its working.
  • To prepare Heat balance Sheet of Internal Combustion Engine.
  • Analysis of performance characteristics of different engines under parametric variations.
  • William’s Line test to find out friction power of an engine.
  • Diesel engine for single cylinder water cooled diesel engine
Elements of Mechanical Engineering (EME) (Room No. WSG-2):

The EME Laboratory is basic knowledge sharing centre for the students of engineering of all disciplines. The EME Laboratory of this department is equipped with Thirty Four models of various basic systems concerned with mechanical engineering stream. The different models are listed below:

Models of Boiler Section

Cochran Boiler
Lancashire Boiler
Babcock and Wilcox Boiler
Locomotive Boiler
Lever Safety Valve
Spring Loaded Safety Valve
Dead Weight Safety Valve
High Steam and Low Water Level Safety Valve
Water Gauge
Pressure Gauge
Hopkinson Type Stop Valve
Feed Check Valve
Blow-off cock
Green Economizer
Sudgen’s Super Heater
Steam Injector
Fusible Plug
Reducing Valve

Models of Internal Combustion Engine

Two Stroke Petrol Engine
Four Stroke Petrol Engine
Two Stroke Diesel Engine
Four Stroke Diesel Engine

Models of Turbine Section
Pelton Wheel Turbine
Francis Turbine
Kaplan Turbine
Axial Flow Runner
Centrifugal or Radial Runner
Gas Turbine (Turbojet Engine)
Gas Turbine
Gas Turbine Plant
Air and Steam Pressure Turbine

Compound Steam Engine
Self Priming Runner of Pump
Hydro Electric Power Installation

Department Library

The Department Library occupies a unique place in academic and research activities of the Department. It is perhaps the most important central facility provided by the Institute.   The Library has number of books related to mechanical engineering, ME/M Tech Dissertations, Ph.D. Thesis and other reading material such as standard codes. The Library maintains an excellent collection of data books, occasional papers and other documents/materials. The Library has a well equipped facility for reading.

Heat and Mass Transfer (Room No. WSG-3)

The Department Library occupies a unique place in academic and research activities of the Department. It is perhaps the most important central facility provided by the Institute.   The Library has number of books related to mechanical engineering, ME/M Tech Dissertations, Ph.D. Thesis and other reading material such as standard codes. The Library maintains an excellent collection of data books, occasional papers and other documents/materials. The Library has a well equipped facility for reading.

Computer Aided Manufacturing (Room No. WSG-6)

The CAM Laboratory of this department is equipped with State of art computer workstations exclusively for the Under Graduate Students. All Systems are connected to Gigabit Ethernet for both internal and external communications.
The Workstations Consist of following specification:
160 GB 7200 RPM SATA/300 3.5
HDD CPU IC2 DE7300 2.66 GHZ