Sankalchand Patel College of Engineering

Student Services@SPCE

Please submit the prescribe requisition form duly signed by Counselor and Head of Department to the Student Section of the Admin Office of the Institute.

 Please tick √ in the prescribed form in front of your required certificate and collect the same from the Student Section within 3 working days.


 Request form : Click here to download PDF

Please submit the prescribe requisition form duly signed by Counselor and Head of Department to the Student Section of the Admin Office of the Institute.

Please tick √ in the prescribed form in front of your required certificate and collect the same from the Student Section within 3 working days.

Request form : Click Here to download PDF

Please submit the prescribe requisition form duly signed by Counselor and Head of Department to the Student Section of the Admin Office of the Institute.

Please tick √ in the prescribed form in front of your required certificate and collect the same from the Student Section within 3 working days.

Request form : Click here to download PDF

Please submit the prescribe application form along with attested copies of final year mark sheet and provisional degree certificate or final degree certificate to the Student Section of the Admin Office of the Institute in person or e-mail on

Please collect the same personally or with authority letter by person from the Student Section within 3 working days.

Request form : Click Here to downlaod PDF

Please submit the prescribe application form along with downloaded copies of grade history, affidavit for academic gap (if applicable) duly signed by concern person to the Student Section of the Admin Office of the Institute in person.

Request form : Click Here to download PDF

Please submit the prescribe application form along with attested copies of final year mark sheet and provisional degree certificate or final degree certificate to the respective Head of Department Student of the Institute in person or e-mail on

Please collect the same personally or with authority letter by person from the respective HOD within 3 working days.

Application form : Click here to download PDF

Please submit the prescribe application form along with attested copies of final year mark sheet and provisional degree certificate or final degree certificate to the respective Head of Department of the Institute in person or e-mail on

Please collect the same personally or with authority letter by person from the respective HOD within 5 working days.

Application form : Click Here to Download PDF

Student related any query please contact

Mr. Kalpesh V. Patel
Mobile : 9979214450
Email id :-