Our Alumni

Mr. Ashutosh Patel
Flytxt Mobile Solutions Pvt Ltd
“Along with imparting the knowledge of the Engineering Discipline and providing an excellent environment to learn, SPCE (now SPU), has also inculcated many values to strengthen the value system and nourish the spirit of problem solving that get cherished for lifelong”

Mr. Mehul Chopra
Europe SAP Solutions Lead (Munich, Germany)
It was a really amazing experience to be part of Sankalchand Patel College of Engineering. Sankalchanddada was visionary and reformer and has always worked for the upliftment of the society. My education at college gave me a base to start my career and what I am today, I will always be obliged to this institution.

Mr.Vishal Patel
ViitorCloud Technology Pvt Ltd
SPCE – this keyword is my lifelong identity, never thought that I would be attached to this identity so proudly (identity is so literary that my primary email address starts with “SPCE”). SPCE College has given us a platform due to which we are, who we are right now. We were so lucky to have amazing professors, non-teaching staff, and infrastructure. My college time is so memorable not only because of the mischiefs we did, but the lifelong friends we made and platform we got to launch our self.

Mr. Anand Rajpara
“College is the most important part of life where we not only learn but also grow as human. I am fortunate enough to have spent important part of my life in Sankalchand Patel College of Engineering at Visnagar. The academic experience with best infrastructure and excellent faculties have helped me to learn and grow in my life as well as career. I have achieved many technological expertise in my filed due to the base of knowledge provided by Sankalchand Patel College of Engineering. I will always be thankful and proud to be part of this institute.”

Mr. Rajesh Vishnani
Cypher Incorporated
My four years at Sankalchand Patel College of Engineering were great and a memory to cherish for a lifetime. It was full of learning and grooming oneself. I thank my CE department and its faculty members for encouraging me to think globally. At SPCE, I learned many things, especially what it means to be an honorable person. I’m glad I was fortunate enough to not only be able to focus on academics but also be able to practice cultural activities as well. I've also made personal connections with friends that help me keep my sanity and my career on track.

Mr. Janak Champaneri
Cintas corporation(USA)
“It is an amazing experience for me to spend 4 years of my life at Sankalchand Patel College of Engineering Campus at Visnagar. SPCE College has given us a stage because of which we are, what our identity is at this moment. Due to the base of knowledge provided by Sankalchand Patel College of Engineering I can learn many technical skills and achieved many expertise in technologies. I've additionally made individual associations with companions that assist me with keeping my mental stability and my profession on target.”

Mr. Dhaval Dave
JP Morgan & Chase(UK)
"As a veteran in the Sankalchand Patel College of Engineering, I am really thankful to be the part of the institute that enriched my knowledge and personality. I feel really grateful to the college and all the faculty members for giving me love and affection. Today, when I look back, I give full credit to them for whatever I have achieved in the career so far. My humble gratitude towards them."

Prapti Pandit
Sophos Technologies Pvt Ltd
"Sankalchand Patel College of Engineering has huge contribution in developing my professional career. Diligent efforts of my educators at SPCE to impart knowledge have always been the guiding light. Also, various technical sessions and tech-events organised by the college provided us the chance to thrive as an engineer. I am grateful to have taken my educational journey through SPCE."

Mr. Ashutosh Patel
Flytxt Mobile Solutions Pvt Ltd
“Along with imparting the knowledge of the Engineering Discipline and providing an excellent environment to learn, SPCE (now SPU), has also inculcated many values to strengthen the value system and nourish the spirit of problem solving that get cherished for lifelong”

Mr. Mehul Chopra
Europe SAP Solutions Lead (Munich, Germany)
It was a really amazing experience to be part of Sankalchand Patel College of Engineering. Sankalchanddada was visionary and reformer and has always worked for the upliftment of the society. My education at college gave me a base to start my career and what I am today, I will always be obliged to this institution.

Mr.Vishal Patel
ViitorCloud Technology Pvt Ltd
SPCE – this keyword is my lifelong identity, never thought that I would be attached to this identity so proudly (identity is so literary that my primary email address starts with “SPCE”). SPCE College has given us a platform due to which we are, who we are right now. We were so lucky to have amazing professors, non-teaching staff, and infrastructure. My college time is so memorable not only because of the mischiefs we did, but the lifelong friends we made and platform we got to launch our self.

Mr. Anand Rajpara
“College is the most important part of life where we not only learn but also grow as human. I am fortunate enough to have spent important part of my life in Sankalchand Patel College of Engineering at Visnagar. The academic experience with best infrastructure and excellent faculties have helped me to learn and grow in my life as well as career. I have achieved many technological expertise in my filed due to the base of knowledge provided by Sankalchand Patel College of Engineering. I will always be thankful and proud to be part of this institute.”

Mr. Rajesh Vishnani
Cypher Incorporated
My four years at Sankalchand Patel College of Engineering were great and a memory to cherish for a lifetime. It was full of learning and grooming oneself. I thank my CE department and its faculty members for encouraging me to think globally. At SPCE, I learned many things, especially what it means to be an honorable person. I’m glad I was fortunate enough to not only be able to focus on academics but also be able to practice cultural activities as well. I've also made personal connections with friends that help me keep my sanity and my career on track.

Mr. Janak Champaneri
Cintas corporation(USA)
“It is an amazing experience for me to spend 4 years of my life at Sankalchand Patel College of Engineering Campus at Visnagar. SPCE College has given us a stage because of which we are, what our identity is at this moment. Due to the base of knowledge provided by Sankalchand Patel College of Engineering I can learn many technical skills and achieved many expertise in technologies. I've additionally made individual associations with companions that assist me with keeping my mental stability and my profession on target.”

Mr. Dhaval Dave
JP Morgan & Chase(UK)
"As a veteran in the Sankalchand Patel College of Engineering, I am really thankful to be the part of the institute that enriched my knowledge and personality. I feel really grateful to the college and all the faculty members for giving me love and affection. Today, when I look back, I give full credit to them for whatever I have achieved in the career so far. My humble gratitude towards them."

Prapti Pandit
Sophos Technologies Pvt Ltd
"Sankalchand Patel College of Engineering has huge contribution in developing my professional career. Diligent efforts of my educators at SPCE to impart knowledge have always been the guiding light. Also, various technical sessions and tech-events organised by the college provided us the chance to thrive as an engineer. I am grateful to have taken my educational journey through SPCE."