Message from Principal

Dr. P.J. Patel
( Ph.d, M.Tech, B.Tech.)
Principal, Sankalchand Patel College of Engineering
Experience: Teaching 23 years, Industrial 02 years, Research 13 years
Area of Research: Design and synthesis of Nanostructured hard coating and surface engineering using DC/RF sputtering, Self-lubricating protective coatings for high temperature tribological applications, Surface modification. Characterization and testing of the physical, chemical, mechanical, tribological properties of deposited hard coatings, Nanocomposite Nanomaterials, Mechanical Properties of Nanomaterial, Nanoindentation, and Advance Welding Technology.
International & National Journals : Has contributed 43 international & national journals
Books : 1 book published
No. of Research Scholar :06
Email :-
Awards (Social and Academics)
Swarnim Mahasamlen of Khadayata Samaj, Date: 17/06/2018Rotary Club Precedential Award, 2017-18, MehsanaRotary District 3054 (Covers Gujarat and Rajasthan state) , Recognition Award, 2018-19Special recognition from Khadayata United Progressive Alliance, Nadiad, 23/02/2020Award by Khadayata Kelavni Mandal, Khadayata Education Society, Ahmedabad, 2014, Date: 20/12/1015Received ACE 2020 award from 94.3FM radio on 5th September 2020 for “Appreciating Contribution in Education”.Received a “Teaching – Training Quality Excellence Award (Individual Category)” from Indian Quality Assurance Council (IQAC) in association with Indian Society for Training and Development (ISTD), Vadodara Chapter based on “LEADERSHIP” on 15th August 2021