Sankalchand Patel College of Engineering

Student Services@SPU

Please submit the application form to the Sankalchand Patel University Admin Section along with the required documents and copy of Fees receipt. Please tick √ in the prescribed form in front of your required certificate and collect the same from the university examination section within 3 working days. You are required to pay Rs 500/- to Sankalchand Patel University Account Section. Application form : Click Here to download PDF
Please submit the application form to the Sankalchand Patel University Admin Section along with the required documents and copy of Fees receipt. Please tick √ in the prescribed form in front of your required certificate and collect the same from the university examination section within 3 working days. You are required to pay convocation fees Rs 2000/- to Account Section of Sankalchand Patel University. Application form : Click Here to download PDF
Please submit the application form to the University Admin Section along with the required documents and copy of Fees receipt. Please tick √ in the prescribed form in front of your required certificate and collect the same from the university examination section within 3 working days. You are required to pay Rs 1000/- for first three sets and Rs. 200/- per additional set to Account Section Sankalchand Patel University. Application form : Click Here to Download PDF
Please submit the application form along with the required documents to the Admin Section of the Institute for verification. In Addition, the same application has to forwarded for further process to Admin Section of Sankalchand Patel University for issuing migration certificate. You are required to pay migration certificate fees Rs 1000/- to Account Section of Sankalchand Patel University after forwarding the application form. Application form : Click Here to download PDF
Please submit the application form along with the required documents to the Admin Section of the Institute for Cancellation of Enrollment / Registration. In addition, the same application will be forwarded for further process to Admin Section of Sankalchand Patel University by the Institute. Application form :Click Here to download PDF
Please submit the application form along with affidavit of Rs. 50/- in prescribed format for loss of mark sheet / grade sheet to the Sankalchand Patel University Examination Section along with the required documents and copy of processing fees receipt. You are required to pay duplicate degree certificate processing fees Rs 1500/- to Account Section of Sankalchand Patel University. Application form : Click Here to Download PDF Affidavit Format : Click Here to Download PDF